Whenever I enter an SVG and try to save it as a layered PNG, nothing works. Why?
Whenever I enter an SVG and try to save it as a layered PNG, nothing works. Why?
PNG files do not have layers
Fireworks used to save a 'PNG' file with layers, but it was a proprietary format and therefore not a standard PNG that other programs could use, just used the same name
you use export, not save, to create PNG; save is only used in xara for it's native file formats (XAR and WEB)
you do not say which xara program you are using
maybe you mean the PNG does not include all the objects that were imported in the SVG ? - you need to select all the required objects first before you export
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Actually, you can export a PNG with layers, but you need to have separate layers with objects on the layers. When you export > png the option is in (appropriately enough) Options.
Gary W. Priester
gwpriester.com | eyetricks-3d-stereograms.com | eyeTricks on Facebook | eyeTricks on YouTube | eyeTricks on Instagram
Gary that exports each xara layer as a separate file, it does not create a layered PNG file
granted that might have been what the OP meant though....
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For a layered file then Photoshop PSD would be better.
Gary W. Priester
gwpriester.com | eyetricks-3d-stereograms.com | eyeTricks on Facebook | eyeTricks on YouTube | eyeTricks on Instagram
surely would if having layers is the only criteria; it depends on what it's for
I have apps that will not open PSD but are happy opening PNG
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