Quote Originally Posted by Psaumure View Post
Gare. For me infinity is synonymous with eternity. Without measure of time. To me, God's love represents that. Eternal love... I'm not trying to preach, but that's what I believe. I think this picture represents that to me. Gare, you also mentioned that You would like to see something with text to path, so I added a second one with more of that style for you. To me, they both represented the same thing. You pick which one works best for you. Note, I'm not trying to push anything on anyone. This is what moves me.
I like the elegant quality of the Love.jpg poster, Mikey.

I understand the reason for several of the posts reaching a non-secular state, and honesty, when the idea of drawing or otherwise expressing Infinity struck me, I didn't realize that so many people feel that Eternity and Infinity are synonymous.

I am here on the forum as Art Guide, and sadly I do not find myself qualified to be a spirit Guide (!), so I encourage the "all encompassing approach" to this never-ending challenge, okay? I think Eternity can fit inside Infinity with an Infinite amount of room to spare, how about that?

Now that I'm rolling this idea around in my pin head a little more, okay, yes, I can see that religion has as valid and as big a claim on Infinity as scientists, astrologists, and other Deep Gazers.

Let's continue. I don't think we're done!

My Best,


(Took Friday off in the Name of Love. Our 22nd anniversary!)