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Thread: Designer Pro 6

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Default Designer Pro 6

    I'm thinking about upgrading to Designer Pro 6 from Web Designer 6 - here are my questions...
    - in Pro can I see the source code in case I want to add my own HTML?
    - Can I create my own forms?
    - Can I create tables?
    - and lists?

    Although I like the widgets provided to make forms (I found other good ones too) I would like to create the form myself with just some assistance in how the results of the form would be delivered. I also miss having the opportunity to see the HTML and getting to change some things with minor tweaking. Or maybe the upgrade would let me make more little changes.

    I'm having a devil of a time with the menus working in Web Designer 6 and think the extra ability to work with layers might help - if that is true it feels a little like planned obsolescence, get me using the inexpensive version until my site gets a little bigger then have to buy the upgrade... hmmmm. Anyone else have this problem? Especially since no one has answered my concern from Support or this forum, very discouraging.

    Thanks for feedback
    CS StPhilipLC

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Designer Pro 6

    Download the trial.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Designer Pro 6


    You can view the source code in the browser but Xara web products are not HTML editors. They are wysiwyg website design products.

    You cannot create your own forms in Xara products. But you can use products such as emailmeform to create forms and generate a script which you can add to a placeholder object. Here is an example of a form I created for my website using emailmeform. This is a free solution that also supports captcha.

    You can create tables but it is labor intensive. See this Guest Tutorial. You can copy and paste a table from MS Word into Designer and you can import a PDF file with a table.

    Designer Pro 6 can create numbered and bulleted lists.



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