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  1. #11

    Default Re: Inserting a photoalbum page into XWD placeholder

    OK, I downloaded JAlbum software and installed the Fotoplayer skin.
    Here's how I went about it.
    __________________________________________________ ________

    After you name and create your album in JAlbums software, go to:

    C:\Users\yourname\Documents\My Albums\album name

    Copy EVERYTHING in that folder to a new folder on your desktop called: album

    Start Web Designer and create a large enough placeholder to hold the display size of your album as you want it.
    Select Web Properties>>Placeholder>>'Replace with Flash' and browse to then select :

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	replace-with-flash.png 
Views:	255 
Size:	3.0 KB 
ID:	72137
    Export site as index.htm into the same desktop\album folder.

    Rename the index.html created by JAlbums to index.old
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	index-old.jpg 
Views:	247 
Size:	15.9 KB 
ID:	72135

    Open index.htm in FireFox, Chrome, Opera, Safari or that other one

    Attached is a zip archive with my sample *.web file ( including the above instructions to follow), the completed JAlbum / Fotoplayer files and the exported Web Designer page.

    Here's an online demo of the same file:

    JAlbum embeded into a Web Designer 5 page

    Following my method here will require that you manually publish your site using an FTP client.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by steve.ledger; 14 May 2010 at 02:19 AM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Derby, UK

    Default Re: Inserting a photoalbum page into XWD placeholder


    Thank you. You've gone to a lot of trouble on my behalf and I appreciate it. I will follow your instructions and let you know how I get on.



  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Derby, UK

    Default Re: Inserting a photoalbum page into XWD placeholder


    Thank you. It works well except for the edges of two rectangular image links that are half appearing at the extreme right of the placeholder. I will try to work out why they are there, perhaps the vestiges of an earlier placeholder!

    I intend to have several pages, with a different album on each page. Do I have to take care with naming, or can I just add each album into the common directory, do you think?

    A couple of other questions; is it important to use index.htm as the export name or will any name do, and why do I have to rename index.html to index.old? (it seems to work without changing the name.



  4. #14

    Default Re: Inserting a photoalbum page into XWD placeholder

    Quote Originally Posted by tony1941 View Post
    why do I have to rename index.html to index.old? (it seems to work without changing the name.
    Having both index.htm and index.html on the server when you upload the site might be a problem. Some webservers are configured to load *.html before looking for *.htm
    So the wrong thing could load for you.
    You can delete it altogether really.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Princeton Junction, NJ, USA

    Default Re: Inserting a photoalbum page into XWD placeholder

    Reviving this thread because I'm about to do something very similar -- just have to decide on the final approach I want to take.

    I created a super simple website for a client a few years back, and have been updating it annually (http://www.thenafd.com). I added a JAlbum to it last year. The way I did it at the time was to use JAlbum's options to pick a theme and set colors to match the rest of the site, and simply had JAlbum completely format the pages the constitute the photo album portion of the site rather than embed the album in another site page. The album is currently here:

    I built the original site in Dreamweaver, and quite frankly I'd like to do this year's update in Xara Designer Pro 6 and spice it up a bit -- it's actually a bit of work for me (gratis) but I'll have the site in Designer Pro, which lends itself much better (in my mind) to interactive tinkering with the design, and in the end the client will wind up with something far prettier (I hope!) for the same cost -- and I'll have another site that I can maintain ever so easily in a Xara product.

    Anyway -- back on topic: If I do this (port the site to Designer Pro 6) I could follow the same approach, e.g., design most of the site, and simply have the Xara-managed pages link to the Album pages generated by JAlbum.... Or I could do something closer to what sledger did -- and embed the JAlbum within a Xara Designer Pro page.

    I haven't actually built and uploaded a page yet, but it's really not hard to do what we're talking about.

    The JAlbum I created (linked above) does NOT use the flashplayer that sledger demonstrated -- this skin creates straight HTML-based albums. Instead of embedded a reference to a flash player, we simply embed an iframe in the Designer Pro managed placeholder.

    1) generate your photo album using JAlbum and note the size of the album that you've defined and generated
    2) insert an appropriately sized placeholder image in your Xara Designer Pro (or web designer) page, and for placeholder HTML insert the following:

    <iframe src="http://the_server_your_album_is_on/album/your_album_index_name.html" width="800" height="800"></iframe>

    Some notes about that line above:
    - there are lots of placeholders in that line!
    - the first part of the URL obviously must refer to a real server (not "the_server_your_album_is_on"!). If you upload the album to the same server where your Xara-managed site is uploaded, you'd specify the same server and the appropriate sub-directory for the album.
    - make sure you finish out the URL with the name of the album index html file you've created.
    - make sure you specify width and height in the iframe line that 1) is appropriate for your album, and 2) fits within your Xara-managed page design

    I've already simulated this on my local machine, previewed the page in Designer Pro 6 (using the Preview Page option) and it works very nicely -- I suspect I'll be doing this -- embedding the html-based album -- for the actual site redesign.

    In short - embedding iframe code in a placeholder makes it very easy to insert a JAlbum photo album in your Xara-based website. I should have this done tomorrow most likely, and will come back and post a link to the new site when it's done.

    - Jon

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Princeton Junction, NJ, USA

    Default Re: Inserting a photoalbum page into XWD placeholder

    Back again -- finally have a site for you to look at with JAlbum nicely integrated. I used the iFrame I mentioned in my previous post in this thread, and it worked quite nicely.

    The old site (quick, low budget project) is still "production" until the client approves the final version, and sits here: http://www.thenafd.com . That version was built Dreamweaver, and what was essentially a stand-alone JAlbum was "grafted on" to it.

    The new version, awaiting final client approval, was built with Designer Pro 6, and created an iFrame in a placeholder on a page in the site, tweaked the HTML that JAlbum generated to remove redundant text (like copyright notices, etc), and essentially "dropped the JAlbum right into the Xara webpage". (not exactly -- but it really was just a few steps). My objective here was to have the JAlbum content integrated right into an existing Xara web page.

    You'll note that colors on the JAlbum page aren't really part of the same palette I would have liked. Later on, if I have time, I'll explore fine tuning the color match between the JAlbum skin and my Xara managed web pages.

    Anyway -- new version (provisional) is here.

    If you want to skip directly to the JAlbum page, it's here.

    One other cute tidbit is on another page:

    Look in the box near the bottom of the page that has a header of "This past year's convention". Click the second link in the last line in that box ("...here to see a video...").

    This is my first pop-up in Xara, and I embedded a youtube video into it (no widget -- just placeholder code, modified to start up on display). I also missed having the page behind the popup gray out. You can do that via Xara with picture popups, but seemingly not with the kind of group I'm displaying -- so I did it myself. Xara is SO easy to work with on stuff like this! I simply created a transparent gray image that fit over the entire page, and placed it on the same pop-up layer that houses the video -- so now both the transparent gray background and the youtube video display when the link for the video is clicked.

    - Jon



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