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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Liverpool, N.Y.

    Default Re: MS Expression Graphic Designer CTP

    Hi handrawn—

    Just looked and I still have screen captures. I suppose there's no sense in posting one. First, it's never going to happen, a good update. So now, Microsoft has bought Altamira Composer and trashed it, bought SoftImage, sold it off to Autodesk who trashed it, Visio? Gone.Same deal with trueSpace.

    Microsoft buys creative software and then ruins it, and then abandons it!

    Well, the other reason for not positing an example here is that Barbara is going to delete this whole thread. As Telephone posted, it serves no use. Tryad, your account will be deleted tomorrow. you're welcome.

    My Best,


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: MS Expression Graphic Designer CTP

    oki doki ... no loss I guess

    one way to get big is to disable the competition....even, maybe especially, if they are better....
    Nothing lasts forever...




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