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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Book covers that make you look and wonder.

    This evening I was watching the amazing documentary film 'Spitfire' (excellent film documentary). I didn't expect to learn that much, but I did - the most surprising thing is that the Spitfire's wings are based on a German design..

    One of the contributors to the documentary was Geoffrey Wellum - a WW2 Spitfire pilot. He published a book called 'First Light' about his experiences ( I highly recommend it ). The book was also turned into a film of the same name (also highly recommended).

    Anyway, here's the point - I wanted to see if 'First Light' was on iTunes, but came across the re-designed book cover.

    I was stunned at the skill of the book cover design. All the elements of a dogfight are there in one concise design. Elegant and beautiful.

    I hope you take a look and feel the same.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Book covers that make you look and wonder.

    maple wood for the propellers... in the 1970's it came from canada.. they tended to nose-dive if you don't have the skill to land them.. bang went a lot of money re the air displays
    Nothing lasts forever...



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