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  1. #1

    Default Button linked to an external URL not working

    Hi, I am still working on a local Film Festival website - thanks to all who helped me with this last week. This new issue has me puzzled.

    I have created a button on each page that says SIGN ME UP (for newsletter updates etc). I have linked this to a Mailchimp form http://eepurl.com/J4ran The URL, as far as I can see, is definitely valid. The link works while in PREVIEW mode, but the button is not clickable when the site is published.

    I know I could embed a Mailchimp signup form directly onto the site, but all the options just looked too ugly, so I definitely prefer to link via a button.

    I would appreciate any guidance. Here are a couple of screen caps. What am I missing?


    I'm using Xara Web Designer 9 Premium, and the url for the website is www.portstephensfilmfestival.com.au

    Last edited by NickyE; 11 March 2014 at 01:54 AM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Button linked to an external URL not working

    Well, I have figured it out. The issue, bizarrely, seems to be with the actual "official" button itself, imported from the "page Elements and Widgets". I kept relinking and then I re-published the site four or five times, each time hoping the link would work, but it wouldn't. So instead I just drew my own button, and linked to that graphic instead - deleted the button from the Page Elements button-gallery... and bingo! It suddenly works a treat. The new button is suddenly clickable and popped me straight through to the signup page.

    I will make my own buttons from now on... !! The button was the main issue I was having last week also. That button wouldn't link to a PDF, but when I deleted the button and just used the PDF icon, it worked just fine.

    Strange, yes?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Button linked to an external URL not working

    Strange yes.

    Glad we could help you out here.



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