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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Questions about templates


    Three questions about templates in XWDP9.

    1. The Fotolia images are licensed for use with Xara Templates. Please could you tell me whether the license is for that particular image with that particular template e.g. plumbing images with a particular plumbing template, or whether the license is wider, and provided that the image is used in a XWDP9 web site, images from different templates can be mixed and matched.

    2. Xara is building up a great number of useful images, but unless you can remember where they are, you have to look in every template. How do you guys find everything? Unless I've missed it, there is no search function.

    3. Is there any way to save a template in the format that Xara is able to.... ie under that template name save a choices of pages and settings: a whole website, a blank page, a contacts page, a whatever page, color schemes etc - all of which can be dragged. Actually - hold that one. I've never tried to make a template, so perhaps I should see what happens if I do make one! I might be able to answer my own question, although I've never seen a way to make a draggable color scheme so far.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Questions about templates


    2) Design Gallery > More... > Find...

    3) Unless I have missed a change, you can not build your own templates. Just save your designs as a normal .web and copy and paste from that into your new .web file.
    If you've created a colour scheme it gets copied across but I recall it can get messy; there is a Post on Talkgraphics somewhere.


    P.S. in XDWX, you do have the File > Save Template... option.



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