As you've hopefully already heard, from Jan 1st
2001 the management of the forums is passing to Xara.
I'd just like to take this opportunity to say welcome, give you a contact email in case you have questions/suggestions and reassure you , if necessary, that we don't intend to 'intrude'
in any way into forums on non-Xara products.
Nothing subversive, we promise!. We plan to use the domain as a gateway to the forums, rather than We see the value in keeping the forums as they to
all, no matter the program or the interest. Most designers use a variety of software and a lot of visitors are interested in several of the forums,
and will visit more than one during a session. As separate forums I'm sure we would all lose traffic.
In order to handle the transfer smoothly, I'd suggest that you bookmark the new site. From Dec 15th, i-us will stop hosting the forums, and they will be moved over to We'd
hate to lose you during the changeover!
Thomas Sorrill
Product Marketing Manager
Xara, Ltd.
+1 650 323 3112 (US phone)
+44 1442 351040 (UK phone)
+44 1442 350010 (fax)
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