Thanks again John
Thanks again John
JOHN -XaReg (FB) XaReg (DB - ignore prompt to register)
Windows 10 [Anniversary] pro Intel Pentium CPU G630 @ 2.70Ghz RAM: 4 GB; 64-bit x64
Hi John,
Could you please advise me how to use the dynamic content tweak...?
Is the syntax for my context <?php filename.htm ?>
Thank You
No. If you have some dynamic content, you must have some server side script that generates HTML based on it (usually a database of some sort). Provider of the script will usually give you instructions which PHP code to use with your page to have the content inserted.
If you don't have any thing like that and simply want to insert some text file or partial HTML you can use the php include command which looks like this:
Where 'filename.php' is actual name of the text file you want to place into your page.Code:<? include 'filename.txt'; ?>
To make it work, the page that contains this script has to have a .php extension. You can set it in the web properties dialog with your page file name.
Also your host has to support PHP. This may be not the case for some cheap or free hosting plans. For example, free Magix hosting provided with WD6 does not support it.
And finally, if you decide to insert an HTML, this should be a fragment of the HTML which does not include head section and body tags.
Basically that's it. Ask me if you have more questions.
Though you CAN rename the first page htm to php. You just have to be careful because each time you do this, the next time you export, you will have index.htm and index.php. You have to delete the php (old one), then rename the htm to php. You need to do this manually for the first page as Sledger said it can't be done from inside WD and you have to remember to do it each time you export and also to make sure that there isn't an index.htm in there, because it might get used as the default and you'll be frustrated when you don't see the php changes or you see code in the middle of the page.
Hope that adds something.
To avoid hassle with files renaming, if you need your index page to be php, simply make a second page in your design an index.php. If you have no htm pages at all, just insert a dummy first page with any irrelevant name like 404.htm Though the meaningful name would be better as it will influence the files folder name used.
i did exactly what it says in the read me file, but i don't get any TWEAKS section in the design gallery.
what i get is the whole path where the folder is located. and when i open this in the design gallery, i only see a file named "manual".
my version of XWD is 5.0.1, what am i doin' wrong here?
errr... never mind my previous post.
i've found the solution in one of the previous posts in this topic and it seems to work just fine now.
sorry for my ignorance...
No need to apologize for's a great tool for learning and you've succeeded.....
All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you.
-Gandalf (from Lord of the Rings) - Xara s/w - Xara Designer Pro X11