Thank you for your reply!
I know html is not possible in Extreme, so that is why I was asking.
The placeholder should do the trick! Thank you!

You say you would use Xtreme or Dreamweaver, but not both?
In reading on this board is sounds like many are using both, It sounded like it might be compatible to do so, you do not agree?

I do love the way this website has evolved in Xtreme, it is more beautiful
than anything I have ever created in Dreamweaver and so much easier to do!
As an html trained person I am having to rethink website design using Extreme.
Not having the html control is jerking my chain a little but I am getting there!

One more question, I own Webstyle 4 and have tried to create nav bars and use them in Extreme, they do not work at all. Is this normal? These two softwares are not compatible? I was surprised, I thought they should work together perfectly! Maybe there is something I need to know about how to make them work together?
