"While the application software is extremely poor, badly developed and of low quality if present at all, comparing to commercial world"
I don't know what you mean by "quality". Of course if you speak about "Total Look" interfaces in some cases. But otherwise and about richness of functionalities your assertion is mostly wrong.
Quality of software consists of many factors and in many aspects is a subjective thing. Nevertheless, statistically, most open source application projects never reach release stage being permanent betas. Product in beta stage is positioned by the developer as a product with insufficient quality for public use. Simply, program doesn't work as well as is expected.
There are exceptions of course, there are brilliant open source programs, of very high quality, but this is not the rule.
One more thing, you say "richness of functionality". Many projects have very high functionality indeed, and no one can deny it. But functionality is not the only factor that makes software great. For example, take a Virtual Dub (I'm sure you know it). Quite simple program, with limited functionality. But isn't it great? Subjectively of course, but supported by opinion of quite a huge number of users it is really brilliant program. On the other hand take a Gimp. A whole lot of functionality, but is it great? Well, maybe for someone... after all it's all subjective...
..."It's like a communism - it works only when everyone is a communist"
But this is the same for every kind of "ism".
Some "ism's" for sure, but not all. Humanism or realism have nothing to do with this. I was making this metaphor on communism because it has some ideological similarities to the open source. But you are right, I could say as well that "fascism works only for fascists" or something like this.
I support what you say about "ism's". Including both "opensourcism" and "antiopensourcism" if you know what I mean. I tend to view things in a sensible light and hope everyone follows.
I'm definitely not an enemy of the open source. I know it's successes very well, as well as it's failures. As you can easily see, I have never said that open source is useless or something like this. I just say that it is not an universal answer for the software demand. On the other hand, it is very good that there is alternative to the commercial software. After all if it wasn't good, it would never reach this level.