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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    RWC, CA, USA


    Hi all (also posted in the news group)

    There seems to be something amiss with the tablet and how it behaves in PP11. I'm not sure what to do about it. This DOES NOT happen in other programs.

    The driver is almost TOO sensitive. I pick up what ever tool I am working with and it continues to draw, smudge, smear, you name it until the driver disengages at about 1 inch off of the tablet, that's nuts!! It makes working on very intensive detail work a real irratation!!

    I have attempted to set a more pressurized stroke in the Options menu and it seems to do no good!!

    I also figured out how to get the silly thing to not keep going back to the last tool I used, simply by un-checking that option. That area is buggy from what I can figure out. Should not keep flipping back to the previous tool by simply placing the stylus on to the tablet work area.

    PS: I have applied the SP 1 to the DrawSuite, so I think I've got my bases pretty much covered here. So if there are any suggestions or work arounds then please let me know!!

    Many thanks


    ---Wolff On The Prowl---


    ---Wolff On The Prowl---

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    RWC, CA, USA


    Hi all (also posted in the news group)

    There seems to be something amiss with the tablet and how it behaves in PP11. I'm not sure what to do about it. This DOES NOT happen in other programs.

    The driver is almost TOO sensitive. I pick up what ever tool I am working with and it continues to draw, smudge, smear, you name it until the driver disengages at about 1 inch off of the tablet, that's nuts!! It makes working on very intensive detail work a real irratation!!

    I have attempted to set a more pressurized stroke in the Options menu and it seems to do no good!!

    I also figured out how to get the silly thing to not keep going back to the last tool I used, simply by un-checking that option. That area is buggy from what I can figure out. Should not keep flipping back to the previous tool by simply placing the stylus on to the tablet work area.

    PS: I have applied the SP 1 to the DrawSuite, so I think I've got my bases pretty much covered here. So if there are any suggestions or work arounds then please let me know!!

    Many thanks


    ---Wolff On The Prowl---


    ---Wolff On The Prowl---

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    RWC, CA, USA


    UPDATE!! EUREKA!! I think I FINALLY got the tablet issue figured out.

    Please try this:

    Go to:

    Start/Control Panel/Wacom Properties

    Then to Help/[Ctrl] + Diagnostics (using the pen to access this hidden area.

    Then set it for 22 in the Pressure Offset box on the lower right side of the dialog. OK then click on the Close button when finished and then close out of the Wacom Tablet Properties.

    Then go to where the PenTab.ini is stored:

    Cocuments and SettingsUserNameGoesHereApplication DataCorelGraphics11User Config

    Then double click on the file and it will come up in Notepad. Change the Min Pressure from "0" to "22" (the same as the one in the Wacom Tablet Properties setting and make sure you Save to lock it in.

    Then invoke PP11 and give it a try. It works 100% for me at least. If you are having issue with the Wacom tablet then please let the forum know if this helps or not!!

    Below is an image to help you understand a bit better about the Wacom Properties area. There is only one problem, the 8 - 20 range is old, from a previous fix I and a Wacom tech worked on. It didn't work. The 22 pt to 22 pt ratio in the Wacom Properties and the PenTab.ini is the way to go with this fix. OK??


    ---Wolff On The Prowl---

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Wacom_Tablet_Corel_Issue_Fix.jpg 
Views:	2244 
Size:	108.4 KB 
ID:	12512  

    ---Wolff On The Prowl---

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Beaverton, OR, USA


    Whooohoooo! Thanks RAMWOLF! I've been suffering from this Photo-Paint tablet issue since version 10! I am so relieved that there is some work-around that helps. This greatly improves performance. For the longest time I've had to totally reboot after using Photo-Paint because the problem continued even after closing the program (making using even Windows Explorer down-right irritating). So far, this workaround you've posted seems to have fixed it. I'll need to fully test it throughout the day here at work, but I can't thank you enough. The Wacom tech support guy I got kept blaming Photo-Paint and seemed entirely disinterested in helping me when I called. I've been meaning to call back and get on their case again, but thanks to your post there isn't a need for it.

    Thanks again!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    RWC, CA, USA


    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Earl Wilson IV:
    Whooohoooo! Thanks RAMWOLF! I've been suffering from this Photo-Paint tablet issue since version 10! I am so relieved that there is some work-around that helps. This greatly improves performance. For the longest time I've had to totally reboot after using Photo-Paint because the problem continued even after closing the program (making using even Windows Explorer down-right irritating). So far, this workaround you've posted seems to have fixed it. I'll need to fully test it throughout the day here at work, but I can't thank you enough. The Wacom tech support guy I got kept blaming Photo-Paint and seemed entirely disinterested in helping me when I called. I've been meaning to call back and get on their case again, but thanks to your post there isn't a need for it.

    Thanks again! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Your certainly QUITE welcome Earl!!

    Interesting. I had just the opposite with the Wacom tech support. The guy that helped me out was the one that supplied me with the first part of the fix and then I figured out the rest. So I guess it proves each tech person is different.

    Glad it's worked for you so far!

    Happy Thanksgiving



    ---Wolff On The Prowl---




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