I received an e-mail today that at first made me feel flattered, but now perplexed.

The person has a site called Class Room Links She told me she was thrilled to have found the Illustrated Childrens Poems area of my website and she has created links to it from her site plus a link to my start art page under Art Digital. The problem is my pages are all within her frames so they look like they were created in her site.

Should I insist that she put the links targets to "top"? That would keep her visitors still at her site after they have visited my pages and they would realize that the links are on my site?

I have never had anything like this happen before. My site is just a personal thing, and it is nice that more people will find it as long as they know it is my art and site not hers.

What is the code for "break out of frames here"? I really don't want to go back and put that on each page but will if necessary even though a lot of people won't bother to do it.

Any suggestions or opinions welcomed


My webpage

[This message was edited by Judi A on October 01, 2001 at 20:00.]