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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Brisbane, Oz

    Default Rollovers and Named colours

    Hi Guys,

    First up, many thanks for the great forum you have here. I've picked up quite a few Xara tips from lurking but now is a time I need to ask for assistance.

    I'm reasonably new to Xara, have watched all the videos and been through quite a few of the XaraOne tutorials. I've done up a Nav Bar in XaraX v2 once I discovered it could actually do them and want to also integrate this into a table within Dreamweaver.

    The Navbar is based on the gel button instructions in some downloadable clipart which includes named colours for adjusting colour shades - damn neat this is too, I must say.

    My issue is I'm trying to change the named colour for the rollover/mouse_over state and can't seem to figure out how to do it. I've attached the xar file I'm using in case I've mucked something up. I hope someone can steer me in the right direction on how to do this.


    P.S My first attempt at this so excuse the crude buttons
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