Quote Originally Posted by Acorn View Post
Both, there is a process, sadly, needed on both Main and Variant.

You have to think Shape, Web Block, FlexGroup, Blockbackground.

Taking @Gary's demo design file:
  • The image was Justify Right - set to Justify Left.
    • The image was too wide. - Alt-Selected right edge and reduced to page width.

  • WB was too deep - selected and picked bottom boundary and moved up.
  • FlexGroup was too wide - Alt-selected right edge to touch page edge.
  • BlockBackground check - was at origin.
  • Ditto above for Variant.

I also set Main's image to Full Width & Tiled.

FlexBlock_Alignment - Acorn tidy.xar

@Xara - all this is an edge case but it necessarily needs to be automated.

I'm missing something, probably something small, but vital.

I did all the bullet points above.
Confusion 1: why does altering the main variant to Left Justify have any bearing on this?
Confusion 2: by alt-select, you are referring to the ALT keyboard key, correct?
Confusion 3: alt-select, standard select, triple checking that it's left justified, having the background less than page width and varying the strength of curse words has no effect. Flexithing bounces back.
Gary happily said "Cool, I get it, and now I know, it will never happen again." It will happen many times with me, because, just to use a Flexible Block, with one object, I have to set 4 toolbar setting to 0px, and ensure the object is less than page width? I want to drop that sucker into the Block, adjust like I would do in every other occurrence in Xara, and move on.

I agree it's better to know HOW these things work, but the whole point of this post is to use Blocks as we are told they can be used. The YouTube videos I have watched all show someone whistling a happy tune and throwing Blocks around, which all jump up and arrange themselves like Mickey cleaning the sorcerer's room in Fantasia.

Before Blocks were released, we were told on this very forum, that something new and exciting was about to be released, that we would love it. It would change the way we build websites forever. A site could be built in minutes. Well, here we are, fudging, creating workarounds, spending hours on one simple thing because it doesn't work.

I totally understand that new things will have unforeseen issues. I understand that I, as a user, will make mistakes and do things that are silly. But, this is my fifth attempt at creating a simple site, that I would love, and would take mere minutes. I should be getting the basics by now, surely. I should be able to throw my Blocks onto a page and quickly arrange them, no?

I have no objection to uploading the project file, but, as I said earlier, I really don't want this to turn into the usual "yeah, it doesn't work. What you have to do is...." thread. I wanted it to be a "ahh, so I can just...and...that's great, I can now..." thread.