Hello all! I just found this Painter bb due to Jinny Brown's post on the Painter mailing list. After looking through some of the topics and tutorials here, all I can say is WOW! There sure some talented folks here! I may be a bit out of place here, since I'm not much of an artist, but am a big fan of Painter and have been using it since version 4.

I am an avid amateur digital photographer with my Sony DSC 770 camera and love taking some of my photos and using the cloner brushes in Painter to give them a painted look. Recently, on another bb I frequent there has been some interest in Painter Classic since it is bundled with the Wacom Graphire tablet which many members there own. I have been trying to encourage them with a few tips and tricks I've learned with PC, in hopes that some may move on to the full version of Painter.

Anyway, here is a sample, if I can figure out how to post an image here, of what I've done recently with Painer Classic.
