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  1. Thread: TG in China!

    by Jon123Jon

    TG in China!

    To my delight, an email message came in today from Andy Zou over in China.

    "Hi jon404,
    Just reaching out to you as the Director of Marketing at Yiwu Hongwen Trading Firm. We're proud of our...
  2. Re: Paint Shop Pro, after a 20-year vacation, should I?

    You can see from the images below the basic sort of graphic art that I am doing these days.
    Xara Designer for ads, flyers, brochures. Simple stuff. Real art? Like Gray's aircraft renderings? Not me...
  3. Paint Shop Pro, after a 20-year vacation, should I?

    First, Happy New Year to all. And, for 2024, thought I'd see what new features are in Paint Shop Pro these days, since I am still using the old JASC version 6. Well. Even better, OMG! From Corel this...
  4. Replies

    Re: Happy New Year from Steamboat Willie

    Slow surfacing after New Years.
    Question -- AI is moving very, very fast, as per your Steampunk Willie art.
    How close are we to AI animation, where he would tip his hat, wave his cane, and all...
  5. Replies

    Re: Happy New Year from Steamboat Willie

    That's beautiful, Gary! How long til we get Xara AI?
    And my girlfriend also complained about calling Mickey Mouse a rat.
    "Jon, he's Mickey MOUSE!"
    Am losing it at 79, I guess.
  6. Replies

    Happy New Year from Steamboat Willie

    Joy to the world!
    On January 1st, the 97-year-long copyright restriction on Mickey Mouse finally went away.
    At least for screen captures from Steamboat Willie, the first Mickey Mouse movie, made...
  7. Replies

    Re: Is life becoming too confusing?

    Ditto IanB's comment above. Used an OLD version of Xara Designer for years, recently though I'd catch up to date, and... ouch! Desktop versions! Web versions! Subscriptions! Magix! Xara in England!...
  8. Re: Is there a current Designer Pro user manual?

    Matt and Acorn, thanks for your replies. Robohelp! In the early '90s, I made ads and brochures for Blue Sky Software in La Jolla, California. They made a C compiler, other utilities for programmers,...
  9. Is there a current Designer Pro user manual?

    Does anyone have a link to the latest Designer Pro+ user manual -- download in PDF format?
  10. Replies

    Re: A 2nd Day of Christmas gift from Jon

    Watterson! Hand, here's a story for you --

    And I like your note on art as a story, commercial or not. Even...
  11. Replies

    Can you update my registration status?

    To forum moderator -- this is Jon Donahue -- jon404@outlook.com. Posted years ago on Talkgraphics as jon404. Recently went to log in again, but couldn't under that old user name. So made a new one,...
  12. Lens lets you drop 50 years in less than a minute

    Discovered Microsoft Lens this week. And suddenly I am 29 instead of 79, back when handwriting was king. And thanks to Mrs. Windell, my 3rd grade teacher... I learned to handwrite. Penmanship....
  13. Re: Is Xara P&GD better than, well, EVERYTHING?

    Yes, it came and is running fine.
    One minor problem --I used the old Ctrl-Alt-Shift-S trick to change the controls background to gray. But that disables the Table button. Is there a better way on...
  14. Re: Is Xara P&GD better than, well, EVERYTHING?

    Thanks, GW. Might be best to just stick with P&GD anyway.
    Because today I tried to download Designer Pro+... since I'm subscribed thru 2024... and it won't download!...
  15. Re: Is Xara P&GD better than, well, EVERYTHING?

    Thanks -- just took a good look at that features comparison chart. P&GD is all you need for creating graphics.
    But you need to buy Design Pro to get the desktop publishing features that are sold...
  16. Is Xara P&GD better than, well, EVERYTHING?

    Question -- does Xara P&GD have ALL the same NON-web features as Xara Designer Pro? Besides vector and raster graphics, does P&GD have the same text handing abilities, PDF generation, etc, etc?

  17. Replies

    Re: A 2nd Day of Christmas gift from Jon

    Hand -- yes, your monitor is at a much higher resolution than my iPad. Paradise in pixels! That accounts for the blurry book images... will see if I can fix their size in the HTML.
    I think we are...
  18. Replies

    Re: A 2nd Day of Christmas gift from Jon

    Aha! My free gift is a complimentary tautology, elegant! Thanks for your comments. The book inages look OK on an iPad and Microsoft laptop... will check them on a larger desktop next. New Year's is...
  19. Replies

    A 2nd Day of Christmas gift from Jon

    Free gift! Sort of an oxymoron, but still. Updated my 2012 book, Drawing For Money, and it is free, no catches, no fine print, at Jon404.com. Realized two months ago that there were a LOT more ways...
  20. Replies

    Re: Need help re canceling Xara auto payment

    OK... getting there, sort of. Went to workspaces.xara.com and found that I am subscribed annually to Designer Pro+, at USD $179.88.
    But I can't find how to unsubscribe... even on the downloaded PDF...
  21. Replies

    Need help re canceling Xara auto payment

    Help! Xara debited my bank account a week ago for a Xara Designer update. Now, try as I might, I can't find any place on the Xara.com website to see my account info, where I can cancel future auto...
Results 1 to 21 of 21