Quote Originally Posted by Acorn View Post
A complete flip to your take on the matter.

Currently https://caniuse.com/?search=heic shows only Safari is capable of HEIC.
Still a PITA that iPhones take photos in HEIC format, and Xara can't import them without either the iPhone or Affinity Photo processing them first. It feels like having to partially chew food for some immature offspring every time!

When I last requested it from Xara Support, they replied "I'm on it, lets see if we can get HEIC support into the product. Are you taking a lot images on iPhone for business?... to be fair, we have a lot of real estate customers and it's coming up with them too. For social media posts, etc; "

I thought that the fabled realestate users would finally have come good for us, but alas, not yet.

Does anyone fancy contacting Xara Support and saying that they use Web Blocks* and the only thing they think they're missing is an HEIC import filter?!

(* like the majority here... longtime Xara user, previously a pro webdev, no idea what a Web Block is.)