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  1. #1

    Default Pasteboard, page size and Outer Margin

    I have what I hope is an easy question. In the Web Editor there is an option for the size of the outer margin. Mine is defaulted to 420px. When I build my websites, I do a lot of my graphics work and notes in the margin. I notice that I only have a small area to work and the software will push me back closer to the edges of the webpage. I assume this is the 420px.

    I have the default setting "Clip to Edges" selected so the margin text, graphics and other rough works are not published.

    My question is: What is this margin for. What is the effect if I set this margin to 800px or 2000px to obtain a greater work surface for rough works. Will it adversely effect my published website?

    The Help file has very little information on what this "Outer Margin" is and how it effects things.
    Thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Pasteboard, page size and Outer Margin

    Quote Originally Posted by Thev View Post
    I have what I hope is an easy question. In the Web Editor there is an option for the size of the outer margin. Mine is defaulted to 420px. When I build my websites, I do a lot of my graphics work and notes in the margin. I notice that I only have a small area to work and the software will push me back closer to the edges of the webpage. I assume this is the 420px.
    I have the default setting "Clip to Edges" selected so the margin text, graphics and other rough works are not published.
    My question is: What is this margin for. What is the effect if I set this margin to 800px or 2000px to obtain a greater work surface for rough works. Will it adversely effect my published website?
    The Help file has very little information on what this "Outer Margin" is and how it effects things.
    Thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer,
    Thev, experiment. I put in 10m and got a nag pop-up. The maximum page width is 756,000px (20m); the smallest is 1.3cm.

    What you set will not affect the published page size.

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  3. #3

    Default Re: Pasteboard, page size and Outer Margin

    Thanks Acorn,
    I will try some experimentation. I was checking the forum to see if there was some more information on the OuterMargin before farting around with it. I don't want to mess up my work. If do notice an oddity or negative response to widening this margin, I will report back to this thread for the record.
    Thanks for your input Acorn,

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Pasteboard, page size and Outer Margin

    I have discovered you have more pasteboard at a lower zoom level. The keyboard shortcut 5 zooms you out to 50% and there is more pasteboard than at 100%. 1 zooms back to 100%.

    And I think I found, though this may have been corrected, is when creating a mobile phone size variant, that having stuff on the pasteboard caused the page displayed not to center on the mobile view frame.

    I have to think that this zoom issue is a flaw in the software.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Pasteboard, page size and Outer Margin

    Thanks GW,
    I'll do some experimenting with this. If this is the case, many of my sites may not appear as intended in mobile variants as I normally keep draft stuff in those margins. I've never noticed before, but I've also never spent much time studying the mobile variations in detail.
    Thanks for the added information,




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