So I have not posted here in a while. I've been with Xara since the beginning (I guess that shows my age and my better decisions I've made in my life), and I'm sitting currently working on a new logo for my friend in XP11. I'm an exceptionally loyal person (been married over 30 years) , and tend to stick with what works for me, through thick and thin. I have religiously upgraded since the '90s (through mergers etc..) , and have produced designs I've never thought would come out of my hands with this wonderful tool. I purposely did not upgrade to 365 to see where Charles Moir and others are going to take us. As others have stated, I waited patiently for the product to evolve as a vector design product, and it has not grown significantly for my personal requirements. It is very difficult for me to move away from a product, one due to my loyalty, and the other is I hate to go through another learning curve, however, I think the time for me personally has come. None of the vector products I've used through the years have been perfect, but after testing the new Affinity Designer, I'm going to switch. It may work out it may not but I think the new subscription model coupled with lack of significant engineering movement on the product makes my decision easier. It is not the new model, it is the new model with the last 2 years of lack of engineering movement on the product.